Register now for an amazingly cool design thinking session! This is your chance to be a part of an important research supported by The David and Lucile Packard Foundation and meet nationally renowned philanthropy experts! Really, register now HERE.
You will participate in a session led by Alexa Cortes Culwell, Founder and Managing Director of Philanthropy Futures and Heather McLeod Grant, co-author of the best-seller, Forces for Good: The Six Practices of High-Impact and the founder of McLeod-Grant Advisors.
Join us if you:
- have insights of local social needs and challenges
- care to explore the motivations and barriers to giving to local causes
- are interested in brainstorming solutions for bridging the gap between community needs and community philanthropy
- want to have some fun while communing with fellow change agents
- appreciate the exquisite opportunity to meet Alexa and Heather in-person
Registration is now closed
Thrive members: Free admission (member benefit!)
Non-members: $40.00 until Friday, February 19, 2016 at 12 noon.
** Please note: NO walk-ins will be accommodated for this Community Forum **