Doing more with Less Workshop: An Interactive Intro to Communicating Your Impact.
Registration is now closed.
Join us for a special Thrive session for an insider track to becoming a non-profit wizard! Learn more about Nonprofit Intelligence.
- Learn the structure for creating a core message
- Understand the core principles of “Doing More with Less WorkshopsTM”
- Get some Tricks and Tips from NIQ members on:
- Automating your Lead Generation
- Creating a Donor's Journey
- Refining your brand
- Targeted Messaging
- Understanding your Audience
Includes Role Playing Breakout Sessions on creating messages for different audiences.
For over 25 years, NPIQ has been merging nonprofit and corporate experience, traditional and new methodologies for clients such as Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Santa Clara University, Sustainable Sciences Institute – and Thrive!
Thrive members: Free admission (Member benefit!)
Non-members: $40.00 until Monday, May 16, 2016 at 12 noon.
** Please note: NO walk-ins will be accommodated for this Community Forum **
Schedule of Events:
9:00 - 9:30 am: Registration & Networking
9:30 - 11:15 am: Program
350 Twin Dolphin Dr. (Shoreway Room)
Redwood City, CA 94065