Census 2020 Dark Web Training & Digital Strategy Workshop for Nonprofits — Thrive, The Alliance of Nonprofits for San Mateo County
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Census 2020 Dark Web Training & Digital Strategy Workshop for Nonprofits

Census 2020 Dark Web Training & Digital Strategy Workshop for Nonprofits

Friday, March 15, 10:00 am

As part of our shared efforts to ensure an accurate census count in our region, Silicon Valley Community Foundation has partnered with Do Big Things to offer a training to help Bay Area nonprofit organizations have a stronger digital infrastructure to develop more effective outreach and marketing for the 2020 Census.

We recommend that participants attend both the morning and afternoon workshops, if possible. The Dark Web Training will provide an overview of the dark web and the digital challenges related to Census 2020 before we dive into the hands-on Digital Strategy Workshop to provide more skills, tools, and ideas to implement a strong digital outreach plan.


  • 10:00 am: Dark Web Training

  • 11:30 am: Lunch

  • 12:00 pm: Digital Strategy Workshop

  • 2:00 pm: Adjourn

Each training will begin promptly at 10:00 am and 12:00 pm and lunch will be provided. View directions, public transit and parking information here.

Submitted by: Silicon Valley Community Foundation